
Cannon Beach vs Seaside Beach

If you need help deciding whether to vacay in Seaside Beach or Cannon Beach, Oregon, then read on! Ill break down the differences and similarities between both of these beautiful beaches.

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Which beach should I visit?
This is the easy part, I’d say both! Both are absolute beautiful beaches and they each have their charms. Cannon Beach is doable in a day trip but I’d say to spend at least two days at Seaside Beach.

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Which beach has more reasonable lodging?
Seaside is the answer for this one! Cannon Beach hotels were upwards of $300+ per night whereas we were able to find more affordable lodging in Seaside starting at $100 per night.
If you need a recommendation on a hotel in Seaside, read my post about the Hi-Tide Inn HERE.

Which town has more activities?
Seaside! Seaside has anything from a movie theater, arcades, outlet shopping, a museum, an aquarium and more! These are particularly great in case it rains during your stay and you need an indoor activity.
Read my blog post “What to do in Seaside, Oregon” HERE.

Which beach is more crowded?
Cannon Beach had a noticeably bigger crowd than Seaside did. I wouldn’t say it was overly crowded but there were a lot of people visiting during the summer.

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Which beach had better shells?
Seaside! We were able to find a lot more shells, sand dollars, and more during low tide at Seaside Beach. That also may have had to do with more people being at Cannon Beach so less shells to go around.

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Which town is bigger?
Seaside is bigger but both still have a small town feel. Seaside has local restaurants and shops as well as chains. If you need your fast food fix or groceries for your stay, Seaside is the place.

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Which town is quieter and more laid back?
Cannon Beach had a much more laid back feel. Seaside was very lively and had more stuff going on.

Which beach is prettier?
I cant answer that, they are both beautiful! Seaside Beach reminded us more of home (we are from the East coast) and Cannon Beach is a true Pacific Northwest beach!

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Which was your favorite?
We personally loved Seaside! We had fun exploring the town and activities. The hotels were much closer to the beach and we loved the atmosphere.

I hope this post helped you figure out which beach to visit! Check out my other blog posts on both beaches for more info:
What to do in Seaside, OR
A Foodie’s Guide to Seaside
Hi-Tide Inn: Seaside, OR
The Best Instagram Photo Spots in Seaside, OR
Seaside Beach, Oregon
Cannon Beach, Oregon
What to do in Cannon Beach, Oregon

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle