Hiking: Washington & Oregon

Sleeping Beauty Trail

Sleeping Beauty Trail is located up near Mount Adams in the Gifford-Pinchot National Forest. It offers 360 views of Mount Adams, Mount Rainier, Mount Hood and Mount St.Helens. This trail is rated as moderate and is one of the prettiest we have done in Washington.

Sleeping Beauty Trail
Moderate, 2.4 miles
Dog Friendly
First off, I chose to do this hike because my daughter Aurora is named after Sleeping beauty. So naturally, we had to do the trail with her name on it. We pulled up directions (do it way before you arrive because you’ll loose cell service) through the All Trails App. It didn’t actually get us all the way there though. We ended up following the signs inside the National Forest which stated “Sleeping Beauty Trail”.
View the trail on All Trails HERE.

Parking is on the side of the road and keep in mind there are no restrooms or trash cans ANYWHERE. Not even on the way driving.

I honestly would’ve rated it as hard instead of moderate. Ya’ll, we DIED. Its a killer all the way up. Travis had a few choice words for me. The views are worth it at the top though.

Nothing super special about the hike itself, lots of shaded woods (like majority of forests in WA).

The very last part of the hike is really rocky which makes it slippery.

Once you get to the top, the views are stunning. The closest mountain is Mount Adams.

You can see Mount Rainier next to Mount Adams but wayy off in the distance.

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I personally wouldn’t recommend small children, the top is VERY dangerous with all the drop offs.

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Mount Hood is visible on the other side, and Mount St.Helens is way off in the distance so you couldn’t see it in the photo.

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle