Stages of Quarantine
Many of us have been stuck inside to weeks (or months) now because of COVID-19. There are some emotions you should be aware of and the stages you may go through during this time. Hopefully you can relate and feel comforted with the fact that I’ve been through these too.

Stage One: Pinterest Mom
In the beginning we all had a great amount of confidence in our teaching ability, patience with our kids, and positivity. We even went as far to search Pinterest for more creative activities we could do with the kids. We thought that being at home would give us more family time, and that it was a good thing.

Stage Two: OCOS (Obsessive Compulsive Online Shopping)
We are at home. We cant make Target runs. The stimulus check is burning a hole in my bank account. Need this, need that, sure that’s cute. All these stores have free shipping, yes that justify’s it. Another sale?Oh yes.

Stage Three: KHD (Kill My Husband Disorder)
You get in this mood, where everything he does is aggravating you. He says he cant help homeschool because he is a “bad teacher”. He keeps playing his video games. His time at home isn’t quarantine, its vacation and you’re stuck with the pets and kids alone. You debate smashing the PS4 to smithereens.

Stage Four: Past the Point of Caring
You are past the point of caring. About ANYTHING. Eat the entire bag of Doritos. Bottle of wine for lunch, bottle of wine for dinner. The kids want to paint on the walls? Sure, you go right ahead. Wearing the same pair of black leggings for a week straight? I’m boycotting laundry. Its fine.

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us
Love, Olivia Michelle