Hill of Crosses Lithuania
Latvia,  Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

I never knew the Hill of Crosses existed before I started planning our trip to Riga, Latvia, but I am so glad I found it and we went to explore it. The Hill of Crosses in Lithuania has an amazing story and is a must experience. Here is what to expect on your visit.

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hill of crosses Lithuania

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania
We visited the Hill of Crosses at Sunrise on a tour from Riga, Latvia. It is only about two hours away. Going at Sunrise we literally had the entire place to ourselves! Going that early meant there were no vendors and the gift shop was not open yet, BUT it did allow us to maximize our time in Riga during our short two day trip. I’ve linked the tour we did below, you can click for more info.


Legend says that man dreamt that an angel told him to go to a specific location miles away and leave a cross. The angel said that if he did this, then his gravely ill daughter would be healed. Upon returning, his daughter ran to meet him, she was healed! Ever since, people have been coming here to leave a cross in memory of a loved one.

hill of crosses

The Hill of Crosses has been cleared and destroyed quite a few times throughout history. When Lithuania was under rule of the Soviet Union, religion of any kind was forbidden. They completely destroyed the Hill of Crosses. People keep returning and leaving more crosses here every time they cleared it.

Jesus on the cross
hill of crosses

You can also leave a cross here if you wish. Anyone and everyones welcome to leave a cross at the site. You can bring your own or purchase one from a vendor at the site.

day trips from Riga
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crosses on a hill

The sheer vastness and ambiance of this place is truly amazing. I can’t believe how many crosses are here, there are millions. There is nothing from a small cross is to large erected crosses. There are also many different materials of crosses from Legos to Harley Davidson motorcycle parts.

hill of crosses Lithuania

I could’ve spent hours here wandering around and looking at the many crosses and trying to picture the stories they tell, but I recommend planning 30-45 minutes here.

Lithuania travel

For things to do and see in Riga, Latvia, check out my post HERE.

Hill of crosses Lithuania
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Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Olivia Michelle