Gift Guides,  Kids Activities

Easter Basket Ideas

Filling the kiddos Easter Baskets can sometimes be a tedious task but I’m here to help! Here are some of my picks from Etsy and Target for finding baskets, eggs, non-candy treats, and more!

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Easter baskets are so much sophisticated than the plastic buckets we had as kids. Here are some cute options for collapsible (easy storage), personalized and cute baskets! Just click to view and shop.

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Plastic eggs drive me nuts. They take up so much room. I grabbed these bigger critter eggs to put treats inside and keep to re-use. Click to view and shop.

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If you don’t want to fill the kid’s baskets with all candy and sweets, here are also some personalized non-food treats off Etsy for them. Click to view and shop.

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle