
How to Pitch Collaborations to Brands

Pitching to brands can be exciting and intimidating. I remember how excited I was when I got the “Yes” for my first gifted collaboration! Here’s a few tips along with the exact wording I use to pitch to brands and some helpful tips!

First gifted collaboration where the brand reached out to me

First off, it’s important to know you will get a lot of “no” and many unanswered emails. That’s okay! Nobody succeeds immediately, it takes time.

Collaboration with Seattle Chocolates

Some important things to include in a pitch:
Social Media Links
Why you are interested in collaborating
What you are offering

Collaboration with Caraway

The following is my exact pitch to brands (with certain personal details left out)


My name is Olivia and I am a Travel and Lifestyle Blogger! We are also an active duty military family of seven years. I am reaching out to you because ______________________________________________________________________________.

I would love to collaborate and have the chance to share ___________________ with my audience.

I would be willing to ______________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________. All photos you would have access to use on your social media as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email, I look forward to any response and having the opportunity to work with you in future.

Olivia Michelle

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Instagram: (LINK HERE)

Revive Superfoods was my very FIRST gifted collaboration

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle