Family Travel Maps by Thunder Bunny Labs
As you may have noticed, we LOVE to travel. Not only traveling for pleasure but we are a military family that has lived in four different states and counting. Thunder Bunny labs have not only created an amazing piece of art for us to hang in home but it also offers us the opportunity to reminisce on our travels as a family.

First up, pick out your map. Thunder Bunny Labs has an extensive selection of maps, not just the USA which is what we picked out. Choose from the USA, Europe, Canada, Caribbean Islands, or Seven Continents. If you are a sports lover grab a map frame of all the Hockey, Football, Baseball, or Basketball Stadiums in the US. If you love to visit National Parks, grab a map of all the National Parks! You can also order frames with individual states.
To view all of the custom maps and frames available, click HERE.

After you’ve decided which specific map you want, you can customize. Choose the color of your frame, the background style of the map, and if you’d like a name or date at the top.

After you’ve ordered your frame, you can get started picking out your photos! Thunder Bunny Labs have made it SO easy and user friendly. You just go back to their website and click on “Map Maker”. Select your map type and start uploading. Edit you photo to how you like it inside the state’s shape. When you’re satisfied with it you can download the image to print at home or order from your favorite print company. You can also order prints directly from Thunder Bunny Labs website for pick up or shipping to your home with partner companies. The photos come ready to cut.

When your frame arrives and you’ve got your photos printed, cut them out! After you’ve got them cut, it’s time to glue. You can use whatever you want to attach them to the map. I personally used a glue stick. Continue this process whenever you travel and get new photos!

To view Thunder Bunny Lab’s Website, click HERE.
To shop Thunder Bunny Labs Custom Maps, click HERE.
To view the full instructions for maps, click HERE.

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle