Chihuly garden & Glass seattle

Chihuly Garden & Glass

The Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum is easily one of my favorite museums in Seattle. It feature gorgeous hand blown glass done by renowned artist Dale Chihuly. Here’s what you need to know before you visit.

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glass museum seattle

Chihuly Garden & Glass Museum
305 Harrison Street
Seattle, WA 98109

Dale Chihuly was a renowned glass artist from the area and his works of art are incredible. You will get a chance to walk through the museum inside and see many different types of glass pieces. In the outside area there are glass sculptures throughout the garden and a hot shop where you can watch live glass blowing demonstrations. Weather permitting, glass demos are usually every hour.
Learn more about the garden and museum HERE.

dal e chihuly garden and glass
chihuly garden and glass seattle

Tickets to the museum range from $19-32 per person. You can save by purchasing a combo ticket to the Space Needle and Glass Museum. Combo tickets range from $35-57 per person.
View and purchase tickets HERE.

chihuly garden and glass seattle
chihuly garden and glass seattle

At this time the Glass Museum is requiring proof of vaccine card or negative COVID test for everyone ages 12 and older. This is to comply with the King County mandate that went into effect on October 25th.
View updates & info on entry requirements HERE.

chihuly garden and glass

This room is my absolute favorite. It features a glass ceiling full of works of art. It’s hard to believe that all of these were hand blown. This installation is almost identical to the Glass Bridge in Tacoma.

dale chihuly garden and glass
chihuly garden and glass seattle
chihuly garden and glass seattle
chihuly garden and glass seattle
chihuly glass museum seattle
chihuly garden and glass seattle
chihuly garden and glass seattle

Since half of the museum is outside in the gardens, make sure to plan accordingly for Seattle weather.

chihuly garden and glass
chihuly garden and glass seattle
chihuly garden and glass seattle
garden and glass seattle

Also make sure to check out the glass blowing demonstrations. Weather permitting, they are available to view hourly.

garden and glass seattle

There is a gift shop and café at the museum. In the gift shop you can purchase actual hand blown glass peices.

garden and glass seattle

For more things to do and see in Seattle, check out my other posts HERE.

chihuly garden and glass seattle

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle