27 Things to do While I’m 27
I feel like I’m getting old. Okay, I know I’m not really but every birthday after 25 has just been uneventful and unexciting. I even forget what age I am sometimes (maybe I am getting old). So I decided this year I’m going to make it exciting by making a “To Do” list for myself for my 27th year of life. I hope it inspires you to get out there and do something you’ve been dreaming of, something spontaneous, or something outside of your comfort zone!

1.Tour a Multi-million dollar home
Have you ever been inside a multi-million dollar home? I honestly don’t think I have. So I want to go to an open house of one and get to dream for a few minutes.
2. Break a new sales record for my Boutique
If you didn’t know, I own Liv & Rory Boutique. It has been my dream for as long as I can remember and I finally did it in 2018. I want to break my monthly sales record in 2020. If you want to help me achieve this goal visit my shop’s website HERE, we offer FREE shipping!
3. Volunteer/Do a good deed
I have volunteered before and obviously done good deeds, but I want to do something bigger and better in 2020. I don’t know what yet!
4. Start a VLOG
Whats a VLOG? A video blog. Basically a video to go along with my blog posts. This has actually been a vision of mine for a while and it’s hopefully in the works. Stay tuned!
5. Try a new food
This one is going to be hard because you guys know I’m a huge foodie and I love trying all the things!

6. Visit 5 new cities
Visit five cities I’ve never been to before! I love traveling and seeing new sights.
7. Do the Goodwill Date Challenge
This one has been around for a while but if you’ve never heard of it, this is what you do. Plan to go on a date with your significant other. First thing you do is go to Goodwill. You each have 20 minutes to pick out a full outfit for your significant other to wear on your date. You actually wear the outfits out in public, so be prepared. Somebody pray for me, Lord only knows what Travis is going to dress me in.
8. Read 3 new books
I use to love reading and I’ve gotten out of the habit the last few years because of time. I’m going to make time to read three new books this year! They will most likely be Nicholas Sparks (those are my fave).
9. Go on a Picnic
We haven’t been on a picnic in FOREVER. Like a good old fashioned blanket and basket picnic in the grass. Let’s do it!
10. Land a Paid Collaboration
I was so excited when I landed my first Gifted Collaboration but I have yet to land a paid one. This is where a company will pay me to post their products. Challenge Accepted.

11. Go on a Couples Getaway
Travis and I have NEVER been on a kid free vacation. Not even on our honeymoon….so we are making it a goal to get some much needed couple time.
12. Do a Fun Run
Did you know I was on my High school’s track team? I loved running (I did hurdles) but I haven’t actually done any running since high school. Nor have I really ever signed up for or participated in a run. No, I’m not doing a marathon but I want to do a fun run this year!
13. Buy a new Louis Vuitton
My love for designer handbags started at a very young age. Of course I had cheaper taste back then dreaming of the newest Juicy Couture or Vera Bradley bag I wanted. (do ya’ll remember Juicy Couture stores?) My friend warned me that once I bought a Louis that I would never want any other brand again. She was right! So here’s to saving up so I can splurge…again.
14. Go Snowshoeing
With so many snow activities here in the Pacific Northwest I want to do one that I’ve never done, snowshoeing! The Outdoor Activities Center on base does frequent trips like this so I’m going to do one this year!
15. Grow my Instagram to 5k+ Followers
Instagram is a lot of work. A LOT. My following is snail pace right now but I want to work at it and get up to at least 5k this year. Of course I’d love to hit 10k and get that swipe up feature but I’m not sure I can hit that in one year. Want to help me out? Check out my Instagram HERE.

16. Do a 7+ Mile Hike
I only recently got into hiking, specifically when we got up here to the Pacific Northwest. I would’ve laughed at you asking me to go hiking in years past (it was NOT my idea of fun). Everything is so beautiful here and with the weather hikes are actually enjoyable. We’ve done a 5 mile hike as a family and my goal this year is to do a hike at least 7 miles.
17. Meet a highly successful Blogger
You may think this is silly if you aren’t on Instagram as much but I want to meet one of these ladies I watch frequently (and feel like I know but have never actually met). Some of my local area favorites include Emma’s Edition, Hello Rigby, and Mad Cray.
18. Host a Pinterest Perfect Party
I try to be that Pinterest mom. I feel like I’ve been successful at making Aurora’s Birthday Party extravagant but I’ve never hosted one of these for me. Brunch with my girlfriends? Bachelor watch party? Summer BBQ?
19. Do a 24 hour technology detox
Okay, I feel like I could do this. I think its Travis that’s going to have the most trouble with this one. I’m talking no phones, no TV, no iPads, (no Alexa either) NO technology for 24 hours straight and using that time to spend together as a family.
20. Get a Massage
It’s been YEARS since I’ve gotten a massage. I honestly don’t even remember. I think it was 2014 or 2015 and that is way too long to put off self care. I’m going to get a massage this year and have some “me time”.

21. Finish Aurora’s Quilt
So I started making a quilt for Aurora when she was a baby. She is….wait for it…7 years old now. So I’m putting off the procrastination and I’m going to finish her quilt this year. First I’ve got to get my sewing machine fixed….
22. Visit two National Parks
National Parks haven’t always been top of my list but more recently we have started visiting them. I want to visit two NEW National Parks this year that I haven’t been to before.
23. Write a Personal Blog Post
There are lots of things in my life and hard times that I’ve gone through and haven’t built up the courage to share with readers yet. It takes a lot to put your personal experiences out on the internet for anyone to read. This year I’m going to write a personal blog post and share it with y’all.
24. Bake a Cake
Okay you may be thinking “What? You’ve never baked a cake”? Yes, I’ve baked lots of cakes. I actually attended a private culinary school for a while and graduated with a Culinary Minor in college. BUT, I haven’t baked a cake in forever, I haven’t had the time. I love baking and this year I’m going to take the time to make one of my extravagant cakes and share it.
25. Buy a Gucci belt
Back to my love of fashion and all things designer… All the influencers have a Gucci belt….except me. No, I don’t want to spend $20 on a fucci belt (fake Gucci) I want an actual Gucci belt this year to wear with my high waisted jeans. Now to decide which color….

26. Write an article for a Magazine or Newspaper
At one point in my life I actually wanted to be an author when I grew up. My love for writing hasn’t gone away (obviously since I have the blog) but I would love to write a piece for a local Magazine or Newspaper.
27. Make a daily schedule and stick with it
Okay so this may sound more like a New Years resolution but my schedule is all over the place. I really need to grab a hold of my crazy busy life and make the most of my time.

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle