Shield’s Date Garden
Dates are the #1 agricultural crop of the Palm Springs area. It grows on date palm trees that are plenty in this area. Shield’s Date Garden is a date farm you can explore, eat, and see where dates are grown.

Shield’s Date Garden
80225 US Highway 111, Indio CA 92201
Sheilds has a restaurant, gift shop, cafe and a lovely garden you can walk through. Entry is FREE. Hours are 9am – 5pm daily. The gift shop is filled with many different types of date merchandise and food items. Everyone told us we HAD to try the date shake, and I agree! You simply must try a date shake, it is delicious. They have them available inside the gift shop.

Dates are a type of fruit, and they look like a raisin but much larger. They are sweet but the texture is different. I personally don’t prefer them myself but I do love the date shake.

There is a large garden with paved path ways that you can stroll through. It is full of different types of plants, trees and statues. In the garden you can find the story of Jesus Christ in order and scriptures on the trail.

We personally didn’t eat at the restaurant but it smelled really good when we walked by. The atmosphere in the garden is great too.
View more info on the restaurant HERE.

For more things to do and see in Palm Springs, check out my other posts HERE.

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle