Acne Prevention with Kayolab
I try to take really good care of my skin and stay ahead of pimples and breakouts. When Kayolab reached out to me I was excited to try their skincare products! Kayolab is great for acne treatment and prevention of breakouts, scars, and pimples. Here is some info on the products they sent me to try and what they are used for.
This is a paid sponsorship but all opinions about products in this post are my own.

First thing you’ll want to do is head over to Kayolab’s website. Here you can take a comprehensive quiz which analyzes your skin condition and concerns you have.

My three recommended products were the 10% glycolic acid cleanser, 8% glycolic acid toner, and the glycolic acid moisturizer. Before using these products, I made sure to remove my make up.

I wash my face using a konjac sponge (you can use your hands or a wash cloth too). Wet the sponge and applied a small amount of cleanser because a little goes a long way. I thoroughly washed my face. The acid cleanser will stimulate cell renewal and resurface your skin while controlling blemishes (hello masknee).

Next up is the toner, which I usually use with a round cotton pad. I’ll do two shakes onto the pad and rub it all over my face and upper neck. This will remove any leftover dirt and make up as well as work to minimize your pores and refine your skin’s texture. I included a photo of the grossness that came off with the toner, though it wasn’t too bad this time.

Last but not least is the moisturizer. Rub this anti-acne cream all over your face. The active ingredients will help moisturize and brighten your skin as well as reduce inflammation and soothe any irritated skin.

To find your perfect skincare routine, use code OLIVIA for 10% on Kayolab’s website HERE.

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle