27 Things you Didn’t know About Me
- I majored in Fashion Design in High School
- Paris is my favorite place in the world
- I have been on National Television. Cooking Channel, Carnival Eats: Mad Snacks Berry Road

- Being a SAHM (stay at home Mom) was my favorite job ever
- I am a good singer. I went to a school of the arts you had to audition to get into to
- Pink is my favorite color

- I use to say I wanted five kids. Hahahahahaha
- Aurora (my daughter) was named after Princess Aurora, Sleeping Beauty
- I went to a private Culinary School in college
- My dog Muffin is named after my childhood dog, Scruffy Muffin

- I love taking photos and photography
- We have lived in four different states

- My natural hair color is dark brown
- I have an addiction to coffee, more specifically Starbucks
- Shopping is my favorite hobby
- My first store was on Etsy, where I sold handmade Halloween Costumes (2011-2016)
- I am originally from Lakeland, Florida (birthplace of Publix)
- My favorite food is…any and all desserts
- I have one fake tooth
- We have been through two deployments as a family

- I have been skydiving (on my 18th birthday)
- Taylor Swift has been my favorite musician…for like ever
- I would rather wear heels than flats
- When I was little I wanted to be an author when I grew up
- I was a Cheerleader in High School
- I do not have any tattoos (I’m terrified of needles)
- I am a Disney Freak and proud of it

Finding the fun everywhere life takes us!
Love, Olivia Michelle